Sunday, January 30, 2011

How can I support SEM?

How can I support SEM?

As parents, you can support SEM financially and with your time.

Contribute to the Excellence Fund

Laurel Mountain's Excellence Fund provides the financial resources that allows us to implement our SEM program. Please refer to the Excellence Fund link in the menu for more information.

Volunteer to Share your Passion

Students learn best when they are engaged and passionate about their work. Consider volunteering some of your time to share your passions with our students. We are always looking for new and interesting ideas to share with them, so fill out a parent resource survey to let us know what you are interested in. Feel free to contact Nicole Levitan directly if you would like to propose an idea for an enrichment cluster or enrichment activity.
You can also volunteer to be an assistant facilitator during an enrichment cluster and simply provide an extra set of helping hands to the teacher or facilitator. This is a great way to see SEM in action while developing your own passions.

Other Ways to Volunteer

Contact your child's teacher to see how you can help out in an E-Slot activity. You can also contact Nicole Levitan to volunteer to be on the SEM Parent Action Committee or inquire how your your individual talents can be best used to serve.


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